- USCT / WDAS 01: Development of new destination website on new platform
- USCT / WDAS 02: Migration of corporate content onto new platform
- USCT / WDAS 03: Monthly website hosting and maintenance
- USCT / WDAS 04: Ad management solution for website
- USCT / WDAS 05: Digital Paid Media campaign management
- USCT / WDAS 06: Digital content, design & video services
- USCT / WDAS 07: Electronic newsletter template design
- USCT / WDAS 08: Customised mobile app design and implementation
Compulsory Bid Briefing session: Tuesday, 24th October 2017 at 10h00 at Ugu South Coast Tourism Head Office (No late arrivals will be afforded access)
RSVP for Compulsory Bid Briefing session: Thursday, 19th October 2017 at 10h00 via email az.oc.tsaochtuosmsiruot@ofni
Closing of Bid: Friday, 10th November 2017 at 10h00 at Ugu South Coast Tourism Head Office
Requirements are contained in the Bid Request for Proposal document on: http://www.tourismsouthcoast.co.za/en/ResourceCentre/Tenders.aspx
Bids need to comprise one master and 4 exact paper copies and need to be completed in accordance with the conditions indicated in the bid document, must be sealed and marked with the relevant contract number and deposited in the official tender box at the reception of Ugu South Coast Tourism Head Office at 16 Bisset Street, Port Shepstone.
Bids that are submitted late, incomplete, unsigned or by facsimile, electronically, or not completed in black ink will be rejected and not accepted for further evaluation. Bids submitted are to hold good for a period of 90 days.
All bid enquiries are to be directed in writing to the Supply Chain Officer via email: az.oc.tsaochtuosmsiruot@mcs
The Company reserves the right not to accept the lowest proposal or any proposal and reserves the right to accept the whole or part of the proposal, or to reject all proposals and cancel this notice.
J Mackrory